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  • *同儕審查:讓相同領域的科學家檢視、討論該研究。

    The study successfully drew attention, but did it really prove that dogs think hugs臺南市將軍區外匯推薦銀行新北市淡水區理財銀行推薦 are hard to (C)put up with? Some experts find it hard to totally agree with. Animal behavior consultant Corey Cohen suggests that 高雄市仁武區理財銀行推薦新竹縣關西鎮外匯理財推薦臺中市東區外匯定存whether or not dogs like hugging depends on the intimacy they have with the hugger. Stanley Coren also admitted that the 250 photos used in the study were not peer-reviewed. This implies t高雄市前金區定存銀行推薦h臺南市楠西區外匯定存推薦at the conclusion, that dogs dislike being hugged, may be inaccurate.

    閱讀暖身加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學的前任動物心理學博士Stanley Coren在今年發表了一項研究結果,「狗狗其實不喜歡被抱。」引發熱烈討論。然而,真的是這樣嗎?進入文章前,先看看自己會不會講這三個形容詞:A.微妙的 B.剝奪 C.忍受

    世界公高雄市苓雅區投資外匯高雄市甲仙區附近銀行基隆市仁愛區外匯定存推薦民,這是商業英語的last mile!

    這項研究成功吸引了大眾注意,但它真的證實新北市板橋區銀行分行了狗狗不喜歡被抱嗎?有些專家不這麼認為。動物行為顧問Corey Cohen就說,狗狗喜不喜歡被抱,端看牠和擁抱者的親密度。Stanley Co臺中市石岡區外匯定存推薦ren也坦承,研究中250張照片並沒有經過同儕審查*,顯示狗狗不喜歡被抱的結論不盡然正確。

    毛主人最關心的可能是,說了這麼多,我到底該不該抱我的狗?杜克犬科認知中心共同負責人Evan MacLean認為,突然擁抱狗狗或是將牠們離地抱起可能不是個好主意,因為這樣的行為有違狗狗天性。「我建議不要抱狗狗,至少不要用人類常見的擁抱方式,」MacLean說。「有很多臺北市南港區附近銀行臺北市北投區理財銀行推薦方式可以和狗狗進行親密接觸,不像環抱會造成侷限感。」

    What most dogs lovers care the most might be “so should I hug 臺南市西港區外匯理財推薦臺南市永康區投資外匯my dog or not?” co-director of Dukes Canine Cognition Center Evan MacLean suggests that a sudden cuddle or lifting a dog from the ground might not be a good idea, since its against dogs nature.

    臺中市大雅區外匯推薦銀行“I would (1)advise against hugging dogs, at least in the conventional human form of hugging,” says MacLean “However, there are lots of ways to have close body contact with dogs 新北市三重區外匯定存that 臺南市中西區定存銀行推薦dont require (2)wrapping your arms around them in高雄市旗津區外匯推薦銀行 a confining manner.”

    A study analyzing 250 photos of dogs being hugged shows that dogs might not enjoy hugs from their owners. Eighty percent of the animals present (A)subtle cues of anxiety in the桃園市龍潭區銀行分行 photos, such as folding their ears down, licking their lips and avoiding eye-contact. Psychologist Stanley Coren conducted the research. He claims that running away is a dogs first line of defense when facing stress or threat, and hugging (B)deprives dogs of that ability.

    工商時報【Angelia Lu】桃園市中壢區銀行推薦高雄市燕巢區外匯推薦銀行

    狗狗可能並不享受主人的擁抱,一項研究分析250張狗狗被抱著的照片得出此結論。照片中8成新竹縣芎林鄉投資外匯的狗兒表現出微妙的焦慮反應,諸如耳朵下垂、舔舌及避免眼神接觸。進行此研究的心理學家Stanley Coren表示,面對壓力或威脅,狗兒的第一道防線其實是逃新北市樹林區附近銀行跑,被抱住等於被剝奪了逃跑能力。



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